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Gina Giordan

Mother's Day is Sunday, May 11, 2025…


These are SAME DAY gift ideas that Mom won’t wanna return!

These are tried and true REAL gifts that your MOM, MAMMA, MAMA, MOMMY, EMA, NONNA, MUM, MUTER, AMA, MUMSIE, MAMMY, MAM, MA, MAMI will genuinely APPRECIATE! Because in my family, gift giving is way more than the thought that counts... In fact, if the gift is lack of any thought, it will go right back to where it came from.

That said, without further ado, a last minute gift list MOM won't wanna return!


LAST MINUTE moM’S day gifts she won’t wanna return!


For the Tech Savvy Mom



A recent survey says, 9 out of 10 Mom's are super tech savvy or have the aptitude for learning how to use the latest devices.

Ok, I just made up that statistic but it sounds good for those of you who need the stats to be convinced that upgraded tech gear for Mom is a brilliant gift idea.

Apple gift cards can be instant and broken down into any denomination. The thought here is very REAL. I'm sure your Mom could use an upgrade from Zooming off of her iPhone 5. How about replacing the 2012 laptop with Apple's latest iPAD or smart watch? Update her old headset for wireless AirPods? Apple gift cards can be used for anything and everything under the brand umbrella including Apps, Arcade and Music. Mom has no excuses. Apple recently reinstated their "in person" tutorials so she can spend hours learning how to navigate on any of Apple's latest gear. No time like the present!


For The Health Nut


If you haven't submitted and succumbed to the DNA test, it's time.

And, if your Mom hasn't yet, this Mother's Day is the perfect time.

If Covid taught us anything, it's crucial to search for and trust REAL science. 23AndMe is the real deal. Real data and genetic insights that can help make it easier for you to take action on your health.

Aside from potentially meeting some new found relatives around the globe, 23AndMe is fascinating and can help you make healthier life altering choices regarding your health and well being. Right now, 23AndMe are running a great deal for Mothers Day, with $50 bucks off the Health + Ancestry Service and/or the monthly membership upgrades. This isn't just a gift, this is a life saving move that could even improve the quality of your Mom's life.


For The Mom With The Sweet Tooth


4 out of 5 Mom's LOVE chocolate. Okay. I just made that statistic up too but it sounds believable, no? Seriously, I think it's safe to say ALL humans like chocolate!

EDIBLE ARRANGEMENTS has several flavors of chocolate and they brilliantly slather it on all kinds of fresh fruit! So this sweet treat has a healthy spin for real. You can choose from an array of gift arrangements or customize your own. Choose your fruits which include; strawberries, apples, pineapple, bananas and more. Then you can mix the fruit with pastries, cheese cake, cookies and novelty gifts. You can even add a statement balloon that reminds Mom how much you love her!

Edible Arrangements can deliver the same day or you can order online and pick up same day at one of their local shops! Ultimate one stop shopping! Right now EA is offering $15 dollars off select orders with the code MDAY15 plus, sign up for direct emails and get 15% off your order this week!


For The Mom Who Needs A Personal Assistant


Talk about a game changer for Mom and beyond.

SHIPT is a membership-based grocery marketplace, enabling delivery of fresh foods and household essentials. Through an easy-to-use app, friendly shoppers, and a commitment to exceptional service, Shipt simplifies lives and saves time for what matters most. Which means you have more time to do the things you love.

Mom can chat and shop all day long with her Shipt Shopper and get the goods delivered right to her doorstep. Delivery zones in Westchester, NY include Target, CVS Petco, Office Depot and Acme. Plus, get $20 bucks off your order of $50 or more with the code SHIPT20.

Be sure to check out this link “Here are 5 things to know before you sign up for SHIPT.”

Happy Shopping!

Approx. retail on this lux collection $800.00 Dollars.

For The Mom Who Needs A Wellness Break…

give mom the ULTIMATE SPA day IN A BOX!

Every Mom could use some pampering. Even the ones who claim they don't want or need anything. This gift covers those Mom's who claim they don't like going to a spa, even before COVID...

This DIY SPA gift box can be purchased same day1. Plus, you can mix and match products to customize for your Mom which makes this gift affordable yet an impressive collection of products that will help mom create the ULTIMATE DIY HOME SPA DAY EXPERIENCE!

Just follow the links below to these foolproof 5 star spa favs and instantly purchase these exact products from your local Target, CVS, Walgreens or Walmart. Pick and choose to customize what works for Mom. You can even double up on all the products and pamper yourself too! Tie a big bow, print out a picture of you w Mom and it doubles as a card. Pampering and Personal! Total win, win! Plus, this collection of products and gear just keeps on giving way after Mom’s Day! The majority of these products will last for several years! One of the best parts about this gift? Everything in this SPA BOX can be purchased online directly from Target and delivered right to Mom's door in hours via SHIPT!




Gina Giordan

Don't forget to SPRING FORWARD on Sunday, March 13, 2022

We just wanted to remind you to spring your clocks forward in a few weeks.

Daylight Saving Time will begin at 2:00 AM on Sunday, March 13, 2022 in most areas of the U.S. We officially consider ourselves “saving daylight hours,” so, in your time zone, you’ll be on “Daylight Time” (EDT, CDT, MDT, or PDT).

This is the most dreaded of the time changes because it feels as though we’re losing an hour of sleep. So, if you normally wake up at 6 am, you’ll be rising at 5 am even though the clock face says 6 am.

While the "official" change happens at 2 a.m. Sunday, it's okay if you take care of it Saturday night.
So, check the microwave, find the remote for the VCR (does anyone still use those?), and look for any other device in your house that isn't smart enough to change the time on its own. 

Day Light Saving Time is this Sunday, March 8, 2020

Day Light Saving Time is this Sunday, March 13, 2022




On Sunday night, the 89th Academy Awards were held at the Dolby Theatre in Los Angeles, CA.  The night was full of memorable moments, from host Jimmy Kimmel’s teasing of Matt Damon, Viola Davis and Mahershala Ali’s important Oscar wins, to several political statements throughout the night.

But perhaps the most unforgettable moment came right at the tail end of the ceremony when “La La Land” was mistakenly named Best Picture instead of the real winner, “Moonlight.”  Warren Beatty and Faye Dunaway took the stage to open the Best Picture envelope and read off the film’s name, during which Beatty seemed to pause for comic effect before announcing, “La La Land.”  The “La La Land” crew took the stage to accept the award and even started giving speeches before the mistake was realized.  “La La Land” producer Jordan Horowitz went up to the mic and said, “You guys, I’m sorry, no.  There’s a mistake.  ‘Moonlight,’ you guys won Best Picture.”  After a few moments, the “Moonlight” cast and crew ascended the stage where they exchanged hugs and words with the “La La Land” team.  Beatty chimed in later: “I want to tell you what happened.  I opened the envelope and it said, ‘Emma Stone, La La Land.’  That’s why I took such a long look at Faye, and at you.  I wasn’t trying to be funny.”

Watch the entire awkward moment below.

Moment where crew/cast of 'La La Land' realizes a mistake had been made and 'Moonlight' actually won Best Picture at The Academy Awards. SUBSCRIBE to ABC NEWS: Watch More on LIKE ABC News on FACEBOOK FOLLOW ABC News on TWITTER: GOOD MORNING AMERICA'S HOMEPAGE:

Celebrities who tuned in to watch the ceremony reacted with shock and cracked jokes at the Best Picture flub on Twitter.  THE WANNA has gathered the best celeb reactions below.


On Sunday, the 89th Academy Awards will take place at the Dolby Theatre in Los Angeles, CA.  Hollywood’s most elite actors, writers, directors and industry members will show up looking their best on the red carpet before heading in to watch the awards ceremony.  It’s anybody’s guess who will win the Academy Award for each category, but part of the fun is making Oscar win predictions beforehand.  THE WANNA has created our own list of which celebrities and films will take home the biggest prize of the industry on Sunday night.  Check it out below!

•Best Picture: La La Land

•Best Adapted Screenplay: Moonlight

•Original Screenplay: Manchester by the Sea

•Best Foreign Language Film: The Salesman

•Best Director: TIE between Barry Jenkins (Moonlight) and Damien Chazelle (La La Land)

•Best Actress: Emma Stone (La La Land)

•Best Actor: Casey Affleck (Mike's personal pick would be Denzel Washington Fences)

•Best Supporting Actress: Viola Davis (Fences)

•Best Supporting Actor: Mahershala Ali (Moonlight)


THE WANNA wants to hear from you!

How do your own Oscar predictions compare to THE WANNA's?


Ya Know You Wanna!




On Thursday, students from the high school senior class of Summit Academy Charter School in Brooklyn, NY appeared on The Ellen DeGeneres Show, where they received a surprise gift.  The students opened up to Ellen DeGeneres about what Summit Academy meant to them and how it would affect their future.  One student said, “Coming to Summit, it made my dreams and goals more realistic, coming from a single-parent house.”  Summit Academy is located in a neighborhood where only 4 percent of adults attended college.  The senior class will be the school’s first ever graduating class.

At the end of the show, the entire senior class was overcome by emotion when Ellen announced they would each receive a 4-year college scholarship.  The students cried and laughed, while they embraced each other and buried Ellen in a group hug.

The scholarships, made possible by Walmart, will provide the students with tuition for any state university in New York.  Ellen told the students: "Last time you were here, Walmart wanted to give you $25,000.  We've never done anything this big before, we've reached out to the people at Walmart, and they want to give each one of you a four-year scholarship."  Ellen revealed the entire amount is worth $1.6 million.

Ellen posted on Instagram about the amazing moment:

You can watch the full inspiring video below.

Ellen DeGeneres just presented the entire senior class of the Summit Academy in Brooklyn, N.Y. with keys to their future: full four-year college scholarships. The school aims to send every student to college - and last year, 93% of the first graduating class achieved that goal, according to Campbell and Swift.


Ya Know You Wanna!


On Tuesday, Pollfish conducted a survey to find out what Americans think about politics and diversity at the Academy Awards.  The survey asked 1,000 Oscar-watching Americans whether or not they want celebrities at the awards ceremony to share their political opinion.  The results found that 25% of Americans think celebrities at the Oscars should avoid political topics, including any mention of Donald Trump.

Below are the rest of the Pollfish Oscar Sunday Survey results:


45% of Americans think celebrities should be allowed to voice their opinions at the Oscars. Another 25% say Hollywood shouldn't use its platform to talk politics, 21% think celebrities should completely stay out of politics, and 10% say Hollywood is too liberal. 


Asked which issues they don't want to hear about at the Oscars, 19% of Americans said they hope celebrities don't talk about Donald Trump. Other topics Americans don't want to hear about are immigration (14%), the refugee situation (12%), and racial inequality (12%). Only 12% of Americans wouldn't mind hearing about political topics during the Oscars.


Asked whether they think this year's Oscar-nominated films are more diverse than in previous years, 49% of Americans said yes. Another 18% said no, and 13% think the Oscars have always been diverse. 1 in 5 Americans aren't sure.


54% of men and 47% of women think this year's Oscar-nominated movies are more diverse than in years past—a 7% difference.


THE WANNA wants to hear from you!

Do you think Hollywood celebs at the Academy Awards should voice their political opinions?


Ya Know You Wanna!


XSPOSURE via Daily Mail

XSPOSURE via Daily Mail

The annual Albierto Mexicano Telcel, also known as the Mexican Tennis Open, will be held from February 27th to March 4th in Acapulco, Mexico at the Acapulco Princess Mundo Imperial Hotel.

Several celebrities and tennis stars will make their way to Mexico to enjoy the tennis open in the warm weather.  Actress Eva Longoria will attend the event along with her husband Jose Baston, the President of Televisa, Latin America’s largest media company.  Rafael Nadal, Dominic Thiem (who claimed the Mexico Open title in 2016), and other tennis stars will also join the festivities.

This year players include: Dominic Thiem, Milos Raonic, Marin Cilic, Rafael Nadal, Juan Martin del Potro, David Goffin, John Isner and Alexander Zverev.

Pedro Haces Sordo, President of the Acapulco Destination Marketing Office, announced: “We are excited to host such great tennis icons in what is to be a spectacular tournament in Acapulco.  We will be welcoming visitors from Mexico and from throughout the world who are coming to see many of the top international tennis stars play during the Abierto Mexicano Telcel.  After an action-packed day, the destination’s selection of top-notch hotels, pristine beaches and adventure and culinary experiences create the perfect setting to unwind.”

Ober Delgado

Ober Delgado

Acapulco is a huge tourist destination, and the number of tourists making their way to the seaport has risen in 2017.  The city, located on the Pacific coast of Mexico, is known as Mexico’s original beach destination.  Special events and activities throughout the year include: the tennis open, surfing, a French film festival, scuba diving, snorkeling and even cliff-diving performances.

Acapulco is also known for being a Hollywood celebrity hotspot.  Famous faces spotted throughout the city in the past include: Brad Pitt, Denzel Washington, Madonna, John Travolta, Antonia Banderas, Salma Hayek, Melanie Griffith, and more.

Go here to find out how to watch the 2017 Albierto Mexicano Telcel live stream.


Ya Know You Wanna!


Getty Images

Getty Images

On Wednesday, Ashton Kutcher spoke in front of a Senate Foreign Relations Committee to seek funding for his anti-human trafficking organization, Thorn.  Thorn, which Kutcher co-founded, seeks to end the sexual exploitation, abuse and trafficking of children through technology.  Kutcher told the committee, “Technology can be used to enable slavery, but technology can also be used to disable slavery.  Can we build the tools that are better than their tools to fight what is happening?”

Kutcher explained how law enforcement agencies are understaffed and unequipped to deal with the sheer number of trafficking cases, but Thorn’s software, “Spotlight” can shorten the amount of time it takes ”from three years to three weeks.”  Spotlight, he said, was able to locate 6,000 victims in just six months.  Kutcher said, “The technology we're building is efficient, nimble, enduring, and it only gets smarter with time.”  He continued, “It's taking the internet, which is largely anonymous, and making it far less anonymous.”

One committee member, Ben Cardin, D-Maryland, brought up Trump’s travel ban and how it might affect human trafficking victims: “Could they have come in under that ban?  When we say we are going to protect these victims, we must look for every possible way to accomplish this goal.”

Kutcher agreed that refugees are the most exposed to traffickers: “When people are left out and not supported and not given love they need to grow, it becomes an incubator for trafficking.”

Kutcher shared a horrific example of human trafficking to hammer the point home: “I've seen video content of a child that's the same age as mine, being raped by an American man who was a sex tourist in Cambodia.  This child was so conditioned by her environment that she thought she was engaging in play.”

Kutcher spoke about his “other day job” of being a father to two children, whom he has with wife Mila Kunis.  Kutcher said, “It is my effort to defend their right to pursue happiness and to assure a society and government that defends it as well.”

Watch Kutcher’s full hearing below, and be sure to check out Thorn’s website as well.


Ya Know You Wanna!


Kevin Winter/Getty Images

Kevin Winter/Getty Images

On Sunday, the 59th annual Grammy Awards ceremony aired live on CBS from the Staples Center in Los Angeles.  Beyonce, Adele, and Bruno Mars all performed live.  The evening had several live mishaps including Adele who had a meltdown center stage and pleaded with the audience to let her start over during her tribute performance to the late great George Michael.  Yet, the real train wreck of the night was the collaboration between Metallica and Lady Gaga.  Metallica’s performance was eagerly awaited by fans after the band announced their appearance back in January, saying they had “something very unique and special planned.”

Gaga and Metallica performed Moth Into Flame together, but lead singer James Hetfield’s microphone did not work initially.  Hetfield could be seen mouthing the lyrics, but the audience could not hear his voice.  The audio mishap led Lady Gaga to share her mic with Hetfield, and the two worked hard to make-up for the mishap.  By the song’s second verse, Hetfield’s mic was back in working condition.

Afterwards, Hetfield appeared visibly upset by the audio mess-up and threw his guitar off the stage, where someone on the side managed to catch it.  Twitter user Troy Hughes caught the moment on camera:

Actress and LGBTQ activist, Laverne Cox added to the mayhem when she initially introduced the highly anticipated rock performance and just threw it to Lady Gaga leaving out any mention of Metallica on stage.  Earlier today, Cox tweeted an apology:

Fans were outraged with how Metallica’s Grammys performance played out.  Many took to Twitter to express their disdain at the technical issue and show their support of Metallica.  Fans anticipated how someone would be “getting fired,” and others insisted the Grammys should “get it together.”  THE WANNA has gathered the most entertaining reaction tweets below!


Ya Know You Wanna!


Sean M. Haffey/Getty Images

Sean M. Haffey/Getty Images

On Sunday night, approximately 111 million people tuned in to watch Super Bowl LI, which was held at NRG Stadium in Houston, Texas.  The New England Patriots beat the Atlanta Falcons 34-28 after a huge comeback from the Patriots, leading to Tom Brady becoming the first quarterback to win five Super Bowl titles.  Lady Gaga gave a halftime show performance that the internet loved, celebrities posted their festivities on Snapchat and Instagram, and the game set Twitter abuzz for most the night.

And this year, the Super Bowl brought viewers some of the best new commercials of 2017.  Each year, the Super Bowl is well known for premiering some of the most creative, entertaining and moving commercials.  Companies spend millions of dollars on their Super Bowl ads to make sure they are top-notch entertainment.  According to the New York Times, the average cost of a 30-second ad during this year’s Super Bowl LI was $5 million, up from $4.8 million a year ago.  On top of that, some companies are spending upwards of $12 million to advertise the commercials before the actual game, which shows just how big an impact the Super Bowl ads can be on viewers.

THE WANNA has gathered the TOP 5 of the most watched Super Bowl LI commercials below.  Enjoy!

Tide – Terry Bradshaw Stain

This creative ad mixed reality into its premise when Terry Bradshaw showed up on live television with a red stain on his white shirt.  The stain was a ploy to set up the Tide ad that came later, which followed Bradshaw’s hilarious journey to get his dirty shirt cleaned.  Bradshaw ends up in Jeffrey Tambor’s house, the star of the original three-part Tide commercial with Rob Gronkowski, and washes his shirt using new Tide PODS Plus Downey.

No stain deserves fame. Check out how Terry Bradshaw found a better clean with Jeffrey Tambor and new Tide PODS® Plus Downy.

Produced by: Saatchi & Saatchi

Starring: Terry Bradshaw, Jeffrey Tambor, Rob Gronkowski

YouTube views: 2,902,423 – Big Game

Gal Gadot and Jason Statham lead an action-packed commercial for which involved a chef working on a website for his own food truck while the two action stars in his restaurant beat up a handful of bad guys and cause an explosion.  Later, they hijack his new food truck and continue wreaking havoc for the chef, who uses to easily move his business forward anyway.

Get ready for action in our Big Game commercial featuring Jason Statham and Gal Gadot. When Felix, a business owner in a disruptive world, has to deal with Gal and Jason destroying his bistro, he keeps his cool. Why? Because with Wix, he knows he'll always stay stunning.

Already seen our Big Game spot featuring Gal Gadot and Jason Statham? Then don't miss out on part 2! Felix has a stunning food truck but when Gal and Jason reappear, he has to keep his cool. Watch now to see how all of the action unfolds.

Directed by: Louis Leterrier (Clash of the Titans)

Starring: Gal Gadot, Jason Statham

YouTube views: 4,419,549

84 Lumber – Complete the Journey

This moving commercial shows a mother and daughter’s migrant journey to become legal American citizens.  After the commercial aired, the 84 Lumber website reportedly crashed from all the visitor traffic.

The full, uncut 84 Lumber Super Bowl promotional film. See a mother and daughter's symbolic migrant journey towards becoming legal American citizens. Contains content deemed too controversial for the original ad and banned from broadcast. Learn more about opportunities with 84 Lumber at

Directed by: Cole Webley

YouTube views: 3,143,775

Audi – Daughter

This Audi commercial involved a father’s narration about how he would have to tell his daughter that the men in her life are “worth more” than she is, despite her “drive” and “intelligence.”  The ad called attention to the gender wage gap with an ending title card that said: “Audi of America is committed to equal pay for equal work.”

Progress is in every decision we make, every technology we invent, every vehicle we build. It's our past, our future, our reason to exist. Audi of America is committed to equal pay for equal work. A 2016 report by the U.S.

Directed by: Aoife McArdle

YouTube views: 8,259,279

Budweiser – Born The Hard Way

In the 60-second ad, which cost about $10 million, Budweiser showed the journey the company’s founder, Adolphus Busch, faced while immigrating to America.  After his arrival on U.S. soil, Busch is greeted with jeers from people saying, “You’re not wanted here!  Go back home!”  After the commercial aired, Trump supporters called for a Budweiser boycott.  But Budweiser has clarified that the ad had nothing to do with Trump’s immigration ban: "Our focus this week is on our Super Bowl ads and our brands.  We created the Budweiser commercial to highlight the ambition of our founder, Adolphus Busch, and his unrelenting pursuit of the American dream.  This is a story about our heritage and the uncompromising commitment that goes into brewing our beer.  It's an idea we've been developing along with our creative agency for nearly a year."

This is the story of our founder's ambitious journey to America in pursuit of his dream: to brew the King of Beers. Subscribe to Budweiser: Connect with Budweiser: Facebook: Instagram: Twitter:

Directed by: Chris Sargent

Starring: Sam Schweikert

YouTube views: 21,346,900


Ya Know You Wanna!


Dave McNary/Reuters

Dave McNary/Reuters

The 2017 Screen Actors Guild Awards were held Sunday night at the Shrine Auditorium in Los Angeles, CA.  The SAG Awards followed in the wake of President Trump’s Muslim ban and executive order to practice “extreme vetting” upon immigrants and refugees entering the United States.  Many SAG Award-nominated celebrities were outraged by Trump’s actions, which led to an emotional and politically-charged night in Hollywood.

Mahershala Ali, who won for his supporting role in Moonlight, gave a personal and emotional speech about being a Muslim during Trump’s immigration ban.  In his speech, Ali explained how the film Moonlight teaches acceptance of those who are different instead of persecution.  Ali said, “I hope that we do a better job of that,” to the sounds of cheers and applause from the audience.  Ali continued to say how each person is unique and that we must accept each other, rather than “go to war.”  Ali revealed that his mother, an ordained minister, was not thrilled when he converted to Islam.  Ali said, “We put things to the side, and I’m able to see her, she’s able to see me.  We love each other, the love has grown, and that stuff is minutiae.  It’s not that important.”  You can watch the rest of Ali’s moving speech below.

Several other celebrities came to the SAG Awards with Trump’s immigration ban in mind.  Kerry Washington and Simon Helberg both showed up on the red carpet with visual protests of the Muslim ban.  Other celebrities who took the stage during the SAG Awards, including Julia Louis-Dreyfus (Veep), Taraji P. Henson (Hidden Figures), and David Harbour (Stranger Things) used the opportunity to address Trump’s actions and share poignant messages of unity.  THE WANNA has gathered some of the most moving and politically-minded moments of the 2017 SAG Awards below for you to enjoy.

Simon Helberg Holds Protest Sign

Alberto E. Rodriguez/Getty Images

Alberto E. Rodriguez/Getty Images


Ya Know You Wanna!


Chris Carlson/AP

Chris Carlson/AP

On Wednesday, Mary Tyler Moore passed away at 80 in Greenwich, Connecticut.  Moore’s family said her death was caused by cardiopulmonary arrest after she had caught pneumonia.

Moore was revered for her hugely popular television shows, The Mary Tyler Moore Show, and The Dick Van Dyke Show in the 1960s and 70s.  Moore is recognized by many as the person who pioneered the “modern career woman” character on TV.  Moore’s longtime representative Mara Buxbaum described her as, “A groundbreaking actress, producer, and passionate advocate for the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation, Mary will be remembered as a fearless visionary who turned the world on with her smile.”

Dick Van Dyke wrote a touching tribute letter to the late Moore, in which he said, “She left an imprint on television comedy.”  Dyke wrote of The Mary Tyler Moore Show: “It was a milestone, that show. It kicked off an awful lot of enthusiasm in a lot of women. She got it moving!”

Celebrities including Dick Van Dyke, Miley Cyrus, Ben Stiller, Ellen DeGeneres, Michael Keaton, Cher and Oprah Winfrey have paid tribute to Moore on Twitter and Instagram.  The WANNA has gathered the best celebrity reactions below.

Dick Van Dyke

Miley Cyrus


A photo posted by Miley Cyrus (@mileycyrus) on

Ben Stiller

Ellen DeGeneres

Michael Keaton


Oprah Winfrey

Kelly Ripa

Marlee Matlin

Paul Feig

Rachel Bloom

George Takei

Stephen Fry

Patricia Arquette

Ed Asner

Mindy Kaling


A photo posted by Mindy Kaling (@mindykaling) on

Lena Dunham

It's time you let someone else do some giving 💔

A photo posted by Lena Dunham (@lenadunham) on

Viola Davis

Katie Couric

Paula Abdul


Ya Know You Wanna!


Timothy A. Clary/AFP/Getty Images

Timothy A. Clary/AFP/Getty Images

On Wednesday, Donald Trump held his first press conference since becoming President-elect in November.  Trump spoke about several issues, including the Russian report that claims to have “compromising personal and financial information about Trump,” the Mexican border wall, Obamacare, and Election hacking.  Many celebrities joined the millions of Americans watching the press conference and live-tweeted their thoughts and reactions to it on Twitter.  The WANNA has gathered some of the best celeb reactions for you below.

Jesse Tyler Ferguson: 

Will Arnett: 

Sarah Silverman: 

Lily Allen: 

Stephen King: 

Seth MacFarlane: 

Don Cheadle: 


Chelsa PerettI: 

Rainn Wilson: 

Jeffrey Wright: 

Piers Morgan: 

Andy Cohen:


Ya Know You Wanna!




The 74th annual Golden Globes Awards were held at The Beverly Hilton in Beverly Hills, CA on Sunday night.  The stars of 2017’s best film and television showed up on the red carpet before the ceremony to mingle with each other and pose for the cameras.  Each year, Hollywood celebs pull out all the stops to look their very best for the Golden Globes.  This year celebrities rocked all manner of designer ensembles on the red carpet, including Prada, Atelier Versace, Dolce & Gabbana, Vera Wang, Ralph Lauren, just to name a few.  The WANNA has gathered all the best Golden Globe celebrity looks from the red carpet for your viewing pleasure!

Best Dressed Women of Hollywood

Priyanka Chopra in Ralph Lauren

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Emma Stone in Valentino

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Reese Witherspoon in Atelier Versace

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Drew Barrymore in Monique Lhuillier

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Kerry Washington in Dolce & Gabbana

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Sarah Paulson in Marc Jacobs

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Kristen Wiig in Reem Acra

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Amy Adams in Tom Ford

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Jessica Chastain in Prada

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Blake Lively in Atelier Versace

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Sofia Vergara in Zuhair Murad Couture

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Naomie Harris in Armani Prive

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Hailee Steinfeld in Vera Wang

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Thandie Newton in Monse

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Best Dressed Men of Hollywood

Ryan Gosling in custom Gucci

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Eddie Redmayne in Prada

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Matt Bomer in Giorgio Armani

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Donald Glover in Gucci

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Justin Timberlake in Tom Ford

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Ryan Reynolds

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Rami Malek in Dior Homme

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Ya Know You Wanna!


The ITM Team had a blast yesterday shooting ITM’s Holiday Episode with the talented cast of “La Soirée” and our “in-studio” audience!

ITM was mesmerized by the phenomenal range of acts in the “La Soirée” show! The two hour extravaganza will have you on the edge of your seat.

ITM  has a big crush on Mario, The Queen of the Circus, the soulful sounds of opera singer Le Gateau Chocolat, The English Gents, Miss Behave, Brett Haylock, Jess Love, Bath Boy, and the sultry Ursula Martinez – this show should not be missed!

If you are in NYC on NYE 2014, you can ring in the New Year with the entire La Soirée ensemble. ITM recommends book your tickets now!

Meet all the La Soirée cast members on ITM! Tune into ITM’s upcoming “Celebrity Holiday Traditions” episode, premiering next Thursday December 26 on WE TV at 7.30 am!

Don’t forget to take a peek a ITM’s Celebrity Holiday Gift Bag! Our fave picks for the holiday season and way beyond! Only the best of the best thanks to Baked by MelissaRaccoon BrandCortisio, Daddy ScrubsFindablesSoaps to Live ByAlomune180sand Mrs Prindable’s.

Chocolate lovers – you need to taste Mrs. Prindable’s now!

Log onto and use ITM‘s special code 15% discount code: INTHEMIXX.

Need gift inspiration? WATCH ITM’s Holiday Gift Guide 2013!  BEST OF THE BEST BABY!

Uploaded by The Wanna on 2013-12-20.




On Tuesday, actor and songwriter Alan Thicke passed away at age 69.  Thicke suffered a heart attack while playing hockey, and later died in a hospital in Burbank, CA.  Thicke was well known for portraying beloved TV father, “Dr. Jason Seaver” on Growing Pains in the late 1980s.  It seems that all of Hollywood is heartbroken over his passing, and celebrities including Thicke’s sons Robin and Carter, took to social media to honor his memory.  The WANNA has gathered some of the many tweets and Instagram posts from celebrities who paid tribute to the late Thicke below.

Robin Thicke: 

A photo posted by Robin Thicke (@robinthicke) on

Carter Thicke: 

Ellen DeGeneres: 

Sarah Michelle Gellar:

Rob Lowe: 

Alyssa Milano: 

Olivia Munn: 

William Shatner: 

Ed Helms: 

 Ryan Seacrest: 

Joel McHale:

Russell Simmons: 

Lionel Richie: 

Ben Stiller: 

Bob Saget: 

Demi Lovato: 

Candace Cameron Bure: 

Larry King:  

John Legend: 

John Stamos: 

Kris Jenner: 

David Boreanaz: 

Denis Leary: 


Ya Know You Wanna!




Tarek and Christina El Moussa, the husband and wife duo of HGTV channel’s Flip or Flop, have separated six months after police were called to the couple’s home on suspicion of a “possibly suicidal man” back in May.  When authorities arrived at the El Moussa house, a “crying and shaking” Christina told police that her husband Tarek had put a handgun in his backpack then ran from the house.  Upon discovery that Tarek was walking around a nearby state park with a loaded weapon, the local sheriff’s helicopter searched for him.  Tarek was located by authorities, and did not resist when they brought him back to his home.

Despite the report of a “suicidal” man, both Christina and Tarek insisted he was not a danger to himself.  An incident report stated: “Tarek did not make any threatening statements to [Christina] and he did not make any comments about hurting himself or anyone else.  She also denied that Tarek had ever been suicidal.”  Tarek claimed he left the house in a rush to “blow off some steam” and brought the gun as protection from “mountain lions and rattlesnakes.”  No charges were filed, but authorities confiscated five guns, including an AR-15 rifle, from the El Moussa home for 30 days.

This intense incident proved to be too much for the Flip or Flop couple.  Even after they attended marriage counseling following the incident, Christina and Tarek sadly could not make things work.  The pair, who were married in 2009 and have two children, have officially separated to “evaluate the future” of their marriage.  They told E! News: “Like many couples, we have had challenges in our marriage.  We had an unfortunate misunderstanding about six months ago and the police were called to our house in an abundance of caution.  There was no violence and no charges were filed.”

HGTV said the El Moussa marriage troubles do not mean the end of Flip or Flop.  The show plans to continue production, with Christina and Tarek working together professionally.


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Saturday Night Live/NBC

Saturday Night Live/NBC

On this past week’s Saturday Night Live, Alec Baldwin reprised his role as President-elect Donald Trump for a new skit, “Donald Trump Prepares Cold Open.”  Trump was less than pleased yet again with Baldwin’s comical impression of him, and expressed his distaste on Twitter.

Twitter, @realDonaldTrump

Twitter, @realDonaldTrump

Baldwin did not take Trump’s Twitter criticism of the SNL skit lying down.  Instead, Baldwin took the opportunity to give Trump some political advice in a series of direct tweets, as seen below:

Twitter, @ABFalecbaldwin

Twitter, @ABFalecbaldwin

The SNL skit that has Trump so upset takes a comedic look at how Trump might handle various aspects of his Presidency, such as his plans for immigration and Obamacare.  For each campaign issue brought up by “Mike Pence,” played by Beck Bennett, Baldwin says the opposite of what Trump had promised during his campaign.  For example, when “Pence” brings up their plan to scrap Obamacare, Baldwin says, “Keep it.  Let’s just keep it.”  The skit jokingly suggests that Trump will not follow through with many of his campaign promises once he takes office.

You can watch the hilarious skit in full below.


Ya Know You Wanna!


Getty Images/Dr. Phil

Getty Images/Dr. Phil

Shelley Duvall, known for her starring roles in The Shining and Popeye, has come out of her “near isolation” to appear on Dr. Phil.  Duvall has been out of the public eye ever since her retirement from Hollywood in 2002.  On Wednesday, Duvall’s serious struggle with mental illness for the past several years was revealed, and her upcoming appearance on Dr. Phil announced.  Dr. Phil’s website released a promo clip that features a nearly unrecognizable Duvall asking for Dr. Phil’s help.  She admits to Dr. Phil, “I’m very sick, I need help.”

Duvall’s very unfortunate mental state is on full display in the promo.  Duvall says she does not believe that Robin Williams is dead, but in fact “shape-shifting.”  When Dr. Phil asks if she has seen Williams, Duvall replies, “Have, yes.”  Duvall reveals she thinks the “Sheriff of Nottingham” (main Robin Hood villain) is threatening her.  She also divulges to Dr. Phil that she thinks there is a “whirring disk” inside of her.  Clearly, the last several years of isolation have not been kind to Duvall.

The WANNA sincerely hopes that Duvall gets the help she needs soon.

Take a look at the full Dr. Phil promo featuring Duvall below.

Shelley Duvall is almost unrecognizable in a clip from her upcoming interview with Dr. Phil. Duvall tells Dr. Phil that she believes her former co-star Robin Williams is still alive, and that he is "shapeshifting" to avoid detection.


Ya Know You Wanna!




Election Day is tomorrow, November 8th, which means the craziest Presidential race in U.S. history will finally come to a close.  Either Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump will take their place in the Oval Office as Commander in Chief.  But there is still a good chunk of Americans who have chosen not to cast a ballot for this particular Election.

Throughout the campaigns, celebrities such as Robert DeNiro, Kathy Griffin, Aziz Ansari, and tons more, have appeared in videos urging people to vote, usually against Trump.  You can revisit The WANNA’s previous roundup of celeb-driven videos here.

In a new SaveTheDay.Vote video, “Vote Tomorrow,” released Monday November 7th, director Joss Whedon rounded up several Hollywood celebrities in a final attempt to encourage people to go out and vote.  In “Vote Tomorrow”, Robert Downey Jr., Scarlett Johansson, James Franco, Neil Patrick Harris, and others urge viewers to “just get out and vote” on November 8th.  They add humor to the video, along with more serious intonations, such as Julianne Moore saying, “No one has the right to stop you from casting your vote.”

Watch the full video below, and then make sure to get out and cast your vote tomorrow!

You got a ride? You got a plan? Everything changes tomorrow - don't miss out on history. For more information about what's on your ballot and where your polling station is, go to Starring Robert Downey Jr, Scarlett Johannson, James Franco Neil Patrick Harris Keegan-Michael Key Julianne Moore, and Martin Sheen.


Ya Know You Wanna!